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Sneaky Sundays alive for many, many years to come.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Road Trippin' from Brisbane to beyond

Follow the yellow brick road...

After last week's gigs in Adelaide and Perth in which Angus and Dan reached such a state of excitement that Dan punched himself in the mouth and woke up with a split lip and bloody teeth (a closer recount to follow)....we thought this weekend it was time to chill out a little.
Except, on the YOLO road trip, it didn't really work out that way.

It all started in Brisbane on Friday night at The Met, where cage dancers, stage dancers, a camel toe, and a big dragon got our minds thinking outside the 'chilled out and relaxed' box. And by dragon, we mean a really fucking big dragon that swooped down from the ceiling infrequently and totally unexpectedly throughout the night, red laser eyes scanning the freaked-out crowd as it flapped its wings, firing from its open mouth massive jets of cold smoke (Ibefa style) while techno music thumped around it. And someone else with laser eyes spotted Dan's t-shirt from inside her gilded cage all the way across the room, assuming the slogan was her ticket to pounce on an unsuspecting Dan in a dark alleyway. But she'd missed a key word on the t-shirt, that dancer girl. OFF.

Day 2 was the day of really good ideas and feeling happy as a result of those ideas. After patting each other on the back for not staying out too late the night before we piled into the car and started driving to the Gold Coast. On the way Dan had the first good idea, which was to stop in at Wet n' Wild. "Yay!!!!" all the YOLO passengers cried.
A few ten-second thrills and hours of standing in lines later, we got back into the car and soon developed the second good idea of the day, 'ditch the Gold Coast and go to Byron', the best and greatest idea ever. Dan said happily, sucking down a coca-cola slurpie, "today is a good day".

We arrived in Byron, haven of all havens, and were pretty pleased with ourselves for thinking to go there. In true YOLO style, we spent the afternoon and evening eating and drinking. Dinner at the Pacific Dining room, our favourite restaurant, was the third winning idea. It meant we were able to gorge ourselves with manuka coladas, coconut and chili martinis, grilled peppers, kingfish sashimi, roast lamb, and loads of other delicacies before driving up to Coolangatta for the gig at Neverland.

Saturday night at Neverland was, quite surprisingly, the favourite show of the tour. No camel toes or dragons this time, but loads of cool kids dancing in front of messy wall scrawl getting flicked in the head with a rad green laser and enough general vibe for Dan and Angus to deem it suitable to pull out all of their best tunes in a set that saw them having maybe even more fun than the laser-zapped kiddies down in front. Plenty more 'duck sauce' here, as always, and even some duck shaped mouths. Plus some babuhska dolls, curly haired kings, and an evil chick with bleeding eyes. Only at Neverland.

Day 3 was Geelong, but who the hell wants to hear about that. Not us. But they do have an awesome chinese restaurant in that little town. Its called Man Bo. Go there. And Top of the Hill Pizza, where the ham comes a plenty and old tunes flow at the mere cost of a two dollar coin to liven your sunken spirits. We are the champions.

No, we really are.


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