Welcome to YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE - a new mix CD series AND dance music blog that will spawn a motherlode of parties around the globe, keeping the spirit of
Sneaky Sundays alive for many, many years to come.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tiga interview

What’s going on with you right now? How is Ciao being received?
i am taking stock of my life, preparing musically and physically for my upcoming invasion of australia: which means going thru old records and learning to swim. When it comes to music, i really think a straight numerical rating system is the best way to discuss, so i'd say Ciao! is an overall 8 on 10.

For those who have never seen ‘the interview’… describe it in one sentence.
just another day at the office; me hearing people talk and then talking more than them, for longer, until i get tired or hungry.

Was it entirely scripted or is it truly possible that you are genius enough to have been improvising?
it is MORE than possible that i am genius enough to have been improvising. However, it was scripted. but i tore up the script right before shooting- it needed to be LIVE, in fairness i DID know the questions in advance.

Do people generally consider you a wanker now?
I very rarely have actual contact with other people, so i'm not sure. I actually have no idea, but i find it hard to believe anybody could think of me as an asshole, especially after my recent charity work, which i did so that people would not think of me as an asshole. i assume my work for The Democratic Republic Of Congo will cover both the anti-asshole AND the anti-wanker angles.

Are you looking forward to the Australian Parklife tour? What’s planned for you after that?
Yes i am. Only in Australia do i fully realize how boring i am. I am the opposite of "surf". i do, however love Goannas. The guys i met over the years "down under" have seriously impressed me in the "cool" department. Dan, Gus, Jax, Daimon, Angus, Jamie, Beni..... everyone has in there own way amazed me and inspired me. "Honest".

Tell us what you remember about your experience at Sneaky Sundays?
I might be wrong, but i think that is when i first heard Daimon rap. i think he might also have been wearing a mesh-vest. I was totally blown away. it was so liberating. For a quiet guy from a cold climate, the whole "drunk-vest-white-rap" move is sublimely impressive. I felt like an accountant by comparison, albeit a great looking and very sophisticated accountant.

And lastly why is 'You Only Live Once' going to be a worldwide phenomenon...?
one word. three letters. D. A. N. i've met a few stars in my life: Diana Ross, John Laroquette, David Guetta.... and trust me, DAN is a star.

The You Only Live Once Perfect 11

1. What’s your current state of mind?
Best explained by a quote: "creativity requires the courage to abandon your certainties" .

2. Who is your perfect woman (or man)?
It's infuriating to admit, but David Bowie IS more or less perfect. If Winston Churchill LOOKED like Ralph Fiennes then that would be my answer. I guess, however unpopular this will sound, Bob Marley also had a lot going for him.

3. How would someone else describe your ‘look’?
Trying to get into the Guiness book of worlds records for "Consequetive Days wearing same pair of shorts combined with bespoke dress shirts " My Ciao! campaign saw the apex of the arms-dealer-colonial look..... i still have dreams of going albino-henchman, but there is only so much time in the day.

4. Ultimate party moment to date?
Gigolo party at Moog Club in Barcelona in 2004 for SONAR in june ( i think).... when i played Pleasure From the Bass for the first time. It was my own personal "Grammy". Unbelievably good party, and Aphex Twin was there.

5. The most amazing place you have been?
It's a tie between the Galapagos Islands and Panaroma Bar in Berlin.

6. Favourite new song of the moment?
Proxy "8000".

7. Favourite old song of the moment?
I'm listening to Rod Stewart "I don't Want To talk About It" as i type....

8. What would be your last ever meal?
I hate that question, I find it unbearably stressfull and depressing. do I KNOW i'm going to die? or do you tell me AFTER i choose a meal. how does it work? i would need more info to really answer it. Maybe those mexican eggs: Huevos Rancheros. Next.

9. Best ever high?
Boston, some rave called "Wonderland" 1994. Acid blotters stuck to my face. Escape from the valley of the walking teeth. every LSD cliche rolled up in one, but man was it good. More recently the birth of my son.

10. What is your motto?
Never go with a hippie to a second location. that and "No Woman No Cry".

11. Finish this sentence: Because I only live once I'm planning on....
Living to 110.

Check out Tiga being a (funny) wanker at www.tiga.ca.

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